Two months ago we learned about dinosaurs. I did this great activity with Lydia…and then somehow lost it. Well, I was looking behind our couch a few days ago, and I found it. YAY! Now I can share it with all of you. I started out with this book, but you can really use any dinosaur book that describes each dinosaur, with an illustration and overview of its diet.

I explained to Lydia that meat-eaters have sharp pointed teeth to tear the meat apart while plant-eaters have flat teeth to grind up plants. We looked through each page in the book and based on the picture, made predictions about what type of diet the dinosaur ate. Then we read the information to confirm. After confirming, we colored in the corresponding box, next to either the steak or the tree. Lydia really enjoyed predicting and having me confirm if she was correct — and she always was!
We learned that the book had 8 meat-eaters and 11 plant-eaters (there were a few that we were uncertain about so we did not include them). Lydia could not wait for her daddy to come home from work so she could explain our graph to him. This is a great learning activity for preschoolers to complete with assistance or early elementary-age children to complete independently.
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